Friday, April 08, 2005

Mom's Diary--2

“Mercury’s day is longer than its year”.
He only told me how is it possible.

“Christopher Columbus’s dream was to make a westward passage to the Indies, the land of untold riches…..”
When I told him this Indies is our India only, he asks why and how we became so poor?

Shares with me humorous and interesting he has read .
Has not told me his favorite wish as

“If you tell your wish it does not get fulfilled”
---- Betty.(Archie’s)

He reads most of the time but NOT his text-books.

He never stood 1st in his class.

He obtained 92% marks .( Don’t think I’m boasting. 92% is considered just average now a days)
When I see other moms teaching their children religiously, I resolute that I too will teach him at home.
He was taken aback to see my strange behavior!
I made him cram some answers like:
‘Plants, humans and animal need air to live.’
When I checked his answer sheet in school, he had written

“All living things need air to live.”

What I want to know is
Getting 100% marks at this stage will make any difference in the long run?
Is it necessary to make him sit everyday for an hour and make him revise whatever he has done in school..


  1. Hey , me first . Me coming here after a long time . Hmmm its obvious that he's smart & intelligent. But I guess an hour or so or revision wouldnt really hurt as long as its more of an interaction than a class room like lecture

  2. It's plain that he his a sensitive, intelligent and very observant child. He doesn't like spoonfeeding, and does not believes everything written as a word of Gospel.

    I find this amazing. It's good that he reasons things out. Please encourage that further, and also adopt some practical mode of teaching rather than repeating bookish stuff of classroom.

    And look who is speaking, and that too to a fairly unconventional and accomplished teacher herself !

  3. Hi Saba
    Welcome here.
    Ok I'll try to sit with him for sometime and see what he has done in school. :-)

  4. Hi Manish.
    But bookish stuff is must to get full marks!
    For practical mode...I provide only books to him which he devours.

    unconventional I may be but accumplished......pata nahi. But yes I try my best :-)

  5. Hi Vandy, Thanks for visiting my page and posting. Me here first time. Sounds interesting page. Will read your post later on and comment. Came just to say hi :)~ RHICHA

  6. Beautiful Post Vandy!! Kids ask the darndest things, it's so true.

    Hey, Betty was my favourite too...he he. I like his answer, "All living things need air to live", how very smart.

    I don't think getting 100% marks is the true indicator of child's intelligence. It's how he analyzes day to day things and problems that will lead to develop his brain-power more thoroghly.

    My suggestion: Make him have interest in puzzles, IQ Questions, Crosswords and stuff like that. These are fun to do and give necessary exercise to the brain. Once he gets interested in those, he will develop interest in studies too

  7. Well, sad and frustrating as it may sound, but this is the way our educational system wants it to be. After all, good marks (again, what are good marks?) will ensure him a good placement in college further down the, the importance has to be given. But you would know better on this! I see you have got some splendid suggestions above. I guess that will make things easier for him. As your last post-and-comments showed, it is 'how' the teacher/parent (here,its a unique combo of two) teaches something that matters, and not 'what' h/she teaches per se!

    All the best to him. Agree with Manish, he sounds a great child.

  8. Hi Ricky.
    Crossword he loves to do.
    'Vaise aaj kal swimming per jor hai.....:-)

  9. Hi Deepak
    'Great child' I too hope so and I think all the moms think the same abt their lil ones. :-)

  10. :) I'm here finally. Very nice wirte up. I read all other back dated too.


  11. Hi red
    At last today I met a councillor and she suggested just the same points like you suggestion which I liked most is:
    make him sit for an hour, let him do any thing like drawing...etc But there sh be a discipline that one hour he has to will help him in a long run.

    @ Rhicha You read all the back dated...what patience!!:-)
    Hope you liked it.

  12. Here, I'm again. Yes, the story abotu Love is really lovely and touchy :). I loved it. I think you love to read such stories. I also have posted two stories about Love " A Story of Love" and "The perfect Heart" .Please go and read. I'm 100% sure that you will love them too :).

  13. Here, I'm again. Yes, the story abotu Love is really lovely and touchy :). I loved it. I think you love to read such stories. I also have posted two stories about Love " A Story of Love" and "The perfect Heart" .Please go and read. I'm 100% sure that you will love them too :). ~ RHICHA

  14. Seems you are busy. New post there. Please read. I hope you will love that :)

  15. Hay Rhicha
    Read both the posts u've mentioned. "Love" and "The perfect heart". So true . Awesome!
    Thanks A ton yaar!

  16. It's my pleasure to share them with you :) RHICHA
