Thursday, June 18, 2020

Live in Peace

The cherubic actor who is in our minds constantly for the worst reason possible was a victim of depression.
I have never even googled the word ‘depression’, but know the symptoms by reading people’s bitter experiences. Like other bad things, I believed that depression happens to others, not to me and mine, and people I know. I live on a beautiful campus which is a happy place. Safety, cleanliness and comparatively simpler life does add to the quality of the life we live. In such a place depression seems a foreign thing.

A few years back I too had gone through this feeling of constantly being sad for some petty reason. During that time I talked to the two more people of my age who confessed that they too are consulting doctors for similar reasons. We also talked that living in the lap of luxury with most amiable surroundings and families how could we fall into this trap? I had had a surgery so thought it may be ‘post surgery mood swings’. I never associated my condition with depression, though it was constantly at the back of my mind. The simple reason was, ‘it cannot happen to me,’ such things happen to others whom we don’t know personally.I consulted a doctor in our Health Centre who was kind enough to listen to me. He prescribed some tablets and gave me a few instructions.

The box of tablets was for de-stressing. The word ‘stress’ written in bold letters did hurt my ego. I introspected that why would I have stress! It is not in my DNA. Life is treating me well. My kids are doing exceptionally well, only if I do not compare them with Mark, Gates and Sunder Pichai.
I worked on doctor’s instructions. Did some physical work work daily, played badminton and continued with CBC , Children’s Book Club. Still I had those bouts of sadness. While returning from the CBC, one day I met Anita, my ex colleague, who almost forced me to re-join my job in Campus School. Within a week I was back to the work I am passionate about. I got to teach a class of 5-6 yr olds. I was used to teaching a little older ones. It was tough, but engrossed in my work with those little angels I forgot that unhappy period of my life.
Coming back to Sushant S Rajput, most people are angry with him that didn’t he think about his father and sisters? Life will never be the same for them. I always condemned people who committed suicide but not in his case. The pain must have become unbearable. You can fight/ignore/compromise with one or two persons, but what if all gang up and pounce at you?
I wish he would have talked to someone and understood that life was more important than his career. He could have become an example, a role model for many in stress and depression believing in the cliche that This Too Shall Pass.


  1. Hello Vandana

    It was nice to hear about your experience and perspective on depression. How quickly you get over also depends upon your echo system. It also depends upon the intensity and persistence of outside stress. It was good that you got over your stress very quickly.

    A confession. Stress has been part of my life for many years now, decades perhaps, though I never fell into the category of "depression". It affected my health, which in turn increased the stress, which in turn affected my health. Vicious circle. I too have found my echo system center to it is Aryan :-)



  2. Real problems have real solutions, but when there is no problem (more in our minds and less in real life), we call it stress/ depression. We should take good care of our health, family and parents, other things can wait...may be forever. 'Me time' is also very healing. A couple of friends, real/virtual are a big solace even if we seldom meet.That's what I have experienced.

