Friday, September 28, 2012

Future Perfect

In the last period, I had to teach a new chapter to a class of 9 yr olds. And the story was about a nice but lazy man who sleeeps in the forest and awakes  after 20 long yrs.

A method had to be devised to make the students interested in the class. So I asked them what if they went to sleep and and woke up after 20 yrs. What is the one change they would like to see in the world or how different things would be?
To warm up the discussion, I started with saying that I would like to see all of them well settled in the professions they wanted to be in, like dress designer, pilot, scientist, writer, etc. 
Now everyone wanted to say something and the response made me convert the 'literature' period into a 'creative writing' one. Most of the responses were about hi-tech gadgets, cars and airplanes.
Some others were the following.
- I would like to see my city neat and clean.
- Unpolluted rivers specially the Ganga which runs through our city.
- A corruption free India.
- I want to see my niece and nephew (which made everybody laugh, knowing that the would be father is in class three right now).

The one who won my heart was a boy who said:
 I want to see my mother. How would she look, ma'am.After TWENTY years?


  1. Oh I am sure his mom would look as beautiful as ever :)

    But I am interested in knowing how many kids talked about (not) being religious, or not seeing religion holding daily life to ransom!

  2. none Ashish.Technology AND NASA ruled

  3. Thanks a lot :)
    These r d small pleasures I celebrate in my run-of-the-mill life.

  4. small but rich,touching.

  5. Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )

  6. Mother will remain mother -as usual :-)

  7. @manish
    I still have the picture of my mom in my mind the way she looked when I was in school.Now when I go home and meet her I hv to adjust my eyes.After a while the old picture blends with the present one.


  8. Whoa! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a completely different subject but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Outstanding choice of colors!
