Monday, April 16, 2007

God and I

I loved this piece of writing whenever I read it written on coffee mugs or
posters.Thanks to Google that now I know who has written it.

I dreamed I was walking along the beach with God, and across the sky
flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand. One belonging to God, and the other to me.

When the last scene of my life flashed before me, I look back at the
footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of
my life, there was only one set of footprints. I also noticed that
it happened at the very lowest and saddest time in my life. This
really bothered me and I questioned God about it.

God, You said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk
with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints.
I do not understand why, in times when I needed You most,
You should leave me alone.

Then GOD replied

My precious child,
I love you and would never, never leave you wondering during your
time of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of
footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you.

(MARY STEVENSON is the copyrighted, proven author of this poem)



  1. Nice to know that She is the author of this beautiful piece of writing. I still remember this I received as a forward in my initial day of Internet. And I have kept it in my archive. There are many more such forwards and they all are as Author Unknown

    Thanks Vandy. And nice to see the update. At least you are doing once a while.

    And nice picture and goes with this story. :)

  2. Hi Juneli
    I read this when I'm depressed or feel that life is not treating me well.and it helps!
    Pic is nice..thanks yaar!

    Thanks for the visit.I was bored to see 0 comments everyday.


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I have heard this on TV recited by Roshan Abbas. It sounded nice then, and it sounds nice now. Currently, I need it too.

  5. Hi manish.
    U need it too? hope things are better now.I hd some problem and was glum..then I read opening lines of sanguine's latest post and felt better :-)
    I still can't see Aryan's pics :-(

    Imagine this blogger is not accepting my Password..


  6. Yes I am better now, thank God.

    I sent you two pics of Aryan long back. Did you get them ? I think you cannot photobucket website where I host these photos ?

    Can you see the poems I post?

  7. Also, if it is not accepting your password, how could post this post?

  8. O.K. I also read it and many other motivational stories time to time to keep my spirit high.

    I heard that blogspot has changed old and merged in the new with google.

    Waise I came here to invite you.. Waise koi kaash baat nahin phir bhi aa jaiye humare ghar bhi :P ;)


  9. I had read this first as a printout that was kept in my first job's boss's secy's desk. I had liked it then too. It's good to know who wrote it- thanks for the info :)

  10. Hi Manish.
    I got those lovely oics. and nw I can see thie pics in ur blog too.
    While commenting it says ..incorrect PW. :-((

    Juneili ji aapke ghar aate rehete hain hum..

    Hi Deepak. Kya chal raha hai.
