Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Of compassion and class 3 A

“You didn’t eat ur tiffin today ” I asked my son,back home from school while checking his bag. He blurted out:
"Most of us cdn’t eat.You know…Garvit hurt his leg so badly during the games period.Actually his team had won the football match. Jumping and laughing, he fell down near the staircase. He was bleeding.We cd even see his bone and flesh. He was crying, Mummy….Mummy. And then one by one all the children ,boys and gals, started crying.Not very loudly though.
But what shocked me was, Anubhav was laughing and saying Garvit wd stay in hospital for few days and then….(something very nasty).We all gave him a good thrashing .Sab ne mara . Then he sat quietly”.

May this feeling of compassion and the collective effort to keep the anti-social elements in check, stay with them forever .This is what our society needs most today.

PS: No malice towards Anubhav on my part.He is a sweet, naughty and chubby child.


  1. And he desrved all the thrashing he received :-)

  2. May this feeling of compassion and the collective effort to keep the anti-social elements in check, stay with them forever .


  3. so rightly wished didi! need of the hour- a higher level of morals and ideologies in our populace.
    aur bacche to desh ka bhawishya. . . :)

    and u remind me yet another time of my manju :"> the bag checkings when back from school and grand scolding for not eating tiffins #-o
    and also her fav song: "bacche mann ke sacche. . . "

  4. hi Ashish.
    "bag checkings when back from school and .....
    I didn't know this is universal :-)

  5. Bag checking from schools is universal ... my mom did for me ... i see my sis doing it for her kids ...

    And yes, adding to Manish's Ameen!

  6. Hi Deepak.
    Nice to see u here.Just back from ur blog.
    Bag checking...:-)

  7. Bag checking, tiffin box checking, home work checking... all these are universal. All the mothers of the all the part of the world do these :D

    :) Silky Moon

  8. .... and some school frnd left a testimonial on my account saying that my fav. line in school used to be --> "sabki mummy ek jaisi hoti hai"

    Oh and it still is another of my fav. ones :D only that now I have refined it more saying, "saari manju ek jaisi hoti hai" (thats my mom!)

    And as Silky Moon says, its a part and parcel of life! We wouldn't have grown up so nicely but for our own manjus!

  9. I have posted more pictures :) :D. Hope you would love to see them :)

    :D Silky Moon

  10. Amen!

    Where do we loose that little bit of us? What corner do we hide it in? How can these kids, a couple of decades later, be capable form walking away from a motor accident without doing anything?

    Somethings... cannot be understood.
