Wednesday, June 01, 2005


We've lived in 7 houses in 3 cities during last 14 years. It feels really bad when I've to leave a house. Last week we shifted again.
I left that beautiful house and got busy in settling down in this new one.

Since it was a 1st floor house every window opened to a beautiful scenery, which included tree-tops, an Air Tel tower far away, a gulmohar tree covered with orange flowers, a bigger tree full of yellow flowers, lush green lawns of the people living in ground floor houses. I also left a very friendly neighbourhood behind.

This shifting business reminds me of this Shloka from Bhagwadgita. which means that soul is eternal it does not die. Like we discard old clothes and wear new ones in the same way( we) Atama leaves the old body and takes a new one….
I cleaned, decorated and enjoyed living in that house and suddenly left it and now have nothing to do with it . Isn't it the way everyone has to leave this house (the world) one day for the final abode.


Read and liked:
Broken bangles. A lovely write up.


  1. Yeah house change is really tearful. Even if is rented one, it becomes our home. It pains more when the surroundings are perfect.

    I know, whenever I am going to leave my current house, it will be very painful. This one has a lovely park in front where kids play all day through! Have got used to their clamour. There is a temple too :-)

  2. Hi Manish,
    seems u got a really nice location.

    This post came to my mind after reading ur post "Am I selfish"
    And I commented "yes u are!" :-)

  3. Hey di kya aap to senti ho gayi ! arre cherish the new environment yaar. Its good that u changed house, else u'd have got bored in that old place if lived too long :P

    C'mon get busy decorating this one and get going in the locality making new frnds! And go out finding new parks for ur kid and shops to shop at and look for old neighbouring people as peers and young couples to chit-chat with and ..... well u better know wat to do with ur time :) I'll just wish that u have lotsa lovely time at ur new place :)

    Where is this new one? which city are u in? a posh locality or some "average urban colony" ??

    oh by the way my father being in govt. service he (i dont rem myself involved in that house-changing-business much so saying HE and MOM) has finally settled in his 32nd house!!! fuking 32 :( Finally this one is our own personal home-sweet-home :)

    chill out!

  4. I think kids have to do with it :-), otherwise the only place I cherish is Lucknow, in whatever shape it may be.

    My current house is in fact very small, and I decided I am not gonna live in it for more than a month. But now, I love it.

  5. @ Anon
    Arre senti venti nahi.... :-)

    and I'm still in the same locality. Just a Km away.

    I wd call it posh :-)))

    32nd house!!!

    Chilling out.

  6. @ manish

    Ironically I had to go through hell when I was in LKO because of this house thing.

    Its really difficult to get a good rented house,Nice that u are comfortable in yours :-)

  7. Changing house is really senti and tough job. Whether the place is good or bad but that gives us a pile of memories no matter now big, small, sweet, bitter or anything........... It always remains in our mind as memo.


  8. BTW, which one the book of Shivani you read recently? I like her Kalindi :). I hope you read that :).


  9. Hi Rhicha
    settling down in the new house is equally tough :-)
    I read Shivani's "Ek Thi Ramratti"where she has written abt her maid servant.and many other small articles.
    'Kalindi' I've yet to read.Actually it is very difficult to get hindi books even in this heart of hindi-belt. :-(

    Take care.

  10. Oh you have not read Kalindi. a must read book. I think you will love it :). I have one. If you wish I can send you :).

    ek thi Ramrathi, yet to read. Is this a story collection or novel.


  11. Ok, lemme count, i hv lived in 6 cities (rough calc) , and in approx 10 houses plus one hostel (in that too, 3 diff dormitories) in the past 32 years of life! Phew, now no attachment to a house.

    Mai hoon ek khanabdosh, saara jag mera wattan!

  12. @Rhicha, This book is a collection of her write-ups (not fictional)
    Anyway even her fiction seems so real.Isn't it :-)

  13. @Deepak
    No attatchment....

  14. Vandy, where have thou vanished? Hope everything's ok. Take care!

  15. Where are you???


  16. @Manish
    Here I cometh! :-)
    Will soon post book-Tag.

  17. Hi Rhicha.
    Was out of Station.And missed u all a lot!
