Thursday, August 19, 2004

Jassi jaisi koi nahi

I belong to the generation who had seen the golden age of Doordarshan with the serials like 'Ek Kahaani' and 'Kathaa Sagar' which were based on the stories from Tagore, Chekov, O 'Henry, Leo Tolstoy and many other Gods of literary world. Then there was Nasiruddin Shah as ' Mirza Gaalib'(Thanks MK for giving me the CDs of this serial now I watch it quite often)and Ashok Kumar as 'Bahadur Shah Jafar".Siddharth Basu's 'Quiz Time' and who can forget those BBC Classics like 'Great Expectations' on Sunday eves.Those were the days...Now I don't know any soap which can really entertain and make me sit in front of TV and suddenly Miss Jassi happened.The Idea behind the story is not new but presentation and acting by all the actors is good.Now they are also running out of ideas.
Jassi's infatuation for Armaan (Apoorve Agnihotri) reminds me these lines from Jane Eyre:

"It does good to no woman to be flattered by her superior, who cannot possibly intend to marry her; and it is madness in all women to let a secret love kindle within them, which, if unreturned and unknown, must devour the life that feeds it; and, if discovered and responded to, must lead, ignis-fatus-like, into miry wilds whence there is no extrication"


  1. That golden age of Doordarshan will never return. I have echoed similar sentiments in

  2. Siddharth Basu's Quiz Time...! How did I miss that one... That's where I got hooked to quizzing in the first place...!!


  3. Hi whiz!
    In fact u missed many programs..."Great Expectations"on
    sundays.:-)and do u remember "Vikram aur Betaal" ha ha

    Now a days Starworld is showing Basu's new Quiz ..on Sundays ( 9 to 10 PM.)

  4. Vikram Aur Betaal...! Ouch...! That's a painful one... The tacky make-up... Meandering stories... Ambigous morals... Oh that was a laugh riot...!!

    Siddharth Basu had a couple of good quizzes on back then... There was Quiz Time, of course... But I also remember being glued to The India Quiz (or Inquizzitive, as I think it was called)... He has a pretty decent quiz lined up on Star now... But ever since I got hooked to Mastermind, every other quiz has begun to pale in comparison...

